Historical Items Donated to
Steven L. Pequignot
Heartland Lodge 6760
Steven L Pequignot
Heartland Lodge 6760
Copyright 1996 - 2025
Version 25.2.18
TCU was saddened to learn of the passing of one its past officers. Joseph H. Tierney passed away on his 90th birthday, January 24, 2013. Brother Tierney was Past Treasurer of the Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America Lodge 574, later TCU/BRC Lodge 6574 in Covington, Kentucky. Based on old records from Lodge 574, Brother Tierney became a Lodge Officer in 1946 and held that office at least to February 1967.
In September 2010, TCU Lodge 6760 received a donation from the Joseph H. Tierney Library and Brother Tierney's daughter, Maureen Tierney. Among the items donated to the Lodge included The Record Book of the Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America Covington Lodge 574. This volume contains all of the financial transactions conducted by the Lodge from November 1945 through February 1967.
Below are several photos of the items received from the Joseph H. Tierney Library:
Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America Covington Lodge 574 Record Book, used from November 1945 through February 1967.
The first-page entry in the Record Book dated November 1, 1945, list a balance of $442.31 in the Lodge account, with receipts totaling $330.50 and $336.00 in expenses. These figures don't seem like much today, however, in 1945, during WWII, it was a sizeable sum.
On page 2 of the Record Book dated December 1945, in the Withdrawn Section appears payments to lodge officers for their services to the lodge. Such deductions are noted every 3 months in the book. It appears one officer was paid $30 for 3 months service, another officer was paid $12 for 3 months and the remainder of officers were paid $4.50 for the same period of time. According to these records it appears the Lodge Officers at that time were:
G. F. Frazier
Ray Zimmerman
C. M. Kennedy
C. O'Shaughnessy
Steve Eiber
G. B. Morgan
C. O. Jordan
J. A. Bryant
There is no indication in the records who held which office.
The last entry in the Lodge 574 Record Book is dated February 23, 1967.
Right - Are photos of two payment vouchers hand written by Treasurer Joseph H Tierney in July 1959. The top voucher is for the Grand Lodge Per Capita Tax in the amount of $507.60. Just below it is a voucher for the Joint Protective Board Per Capita Tax totaling $39. Both vouchers are countersigned by E. E. Burnside, President and C. C. Jameson, Recording Secretary.
Financial receipt from J. A. Bryant, dated May 2, 1944
Financial receipt from R. Zimmerman, dated December 29, 1952
Financial receipt from George Morgan, dated June 4, 1948
A Special Thank You. . .
Lodge 6760 is very appreciative to the Joseph H. Tierney Library and to Mrs. Maureen Tierney for their generous donation to the Lodge's collection of archived documents. These items are now stored with the Lodge's historical collection dating back to 1891.
Brotherhood Railway Carmen Grand Lodge Charter Records for Local Lodges
The page above left, copied from the Grand Lodge Charter Record Book indicates the Fort Wayne, Indiana Lodge was first chartered in December 1892, as Lodge 67. The record reflects that charter was lost by August 1900. The page above right, copied from the same Grand Lodge Record Book reveals that Fort Wayne was issued a second charter in January 1935, as Lodge 760. The original Lodge 760 was formed in Chattanooga, Tennessee in February 1918. The lodge in Chattanooga merged with Lodge 211 in October 1923 and the number was subsequently reassigned to Fort Wayne twelve years later.
Imagery courtesy of Steve Wilhelm, Grand Lodge Headquarters
Photo courtesy of the Robert & Lynda Maier Library, Poughkeepsie, NY
The photo above is a copy of the Official Photo of the 1921 Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America Grand Lodge Convention, taken by Alexandra Studios, Toronto, Canada. The official photo is framed, under glass and measurers 56" X 12", In the small black rectangular box in the lower left corner of the photo is the text "Official Photo By Alexandra Studios, Toronto, Canada No. 1264." In the small black box in the lower right corner of the photo is the text "14th Annual Convention, Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, Toronto, Canada, August 1921.". While this was the 14th Grand Lodge Convention, the term Annual is not exactly accurate. At the 3rd convention in 1892, the delegates changed the convention schedule to be held every two years. In 1921 there were 1,465 lodges with over 200,000 members. The photo includes Grand Lodge officers, delegates and some of their spouses.
A close-up to the left of the photo above, shows Grand Lodge President Martin F. Ryan seated next to his wife in the Official Photo. President Ryan is located in the center of the large photo, front row, behind the stone pillar.
Photo courtesy of the Robert & Lynda Maier Library, Poughkeepsie, NY
Joseph H. Tierney, Past Treasurer, BRC Lodge 574